
Ignite Your Imagination!

Ignite Your Imagination!

Be still and listen and trust and create!

Imagine you are marching through a dense green jungle; it is hot and steamy; you feel your perspiration rolling down your face and on to your lips and then you realize…. OMG…. your sweat is cool, refreshing, tangy Lemonade! You grasp the foliage that is glistening with water droplets and some strange coloured ‘berries’ come off in your hand. You peer closely at them and to your shock and delight – they are green jellybeans! Your brain is whirring as you try to understand what is going on and you almost plunge into a babbling stream that is straight in front of you. You sink down on the thick carpet of leaves to rest your weary body when out of nowhere, a Purple elephant in Butler attire appears and offers you a carved coconut filled with Pina Colada!

Now, before you think I have been smoking something illegal, please answer this.

Did you taste the lemonade? Could you feel the excitement of stumbling across a bush that just may be growing your favourite decadent treats? If I asked you to describe the elephant you saw – could you do it in detail? I fancy the answer is yes!  And that my friends is because I stimulated your ‘imagination’!

I loved making up fairy stories as bedtime tales for my children and the more I did it – the more elaborate and fanciful the tales became.  And they LOVED them!  And then I taught them to tell fantasy stories to ME!

But why am I telling you this? Because the more we use our imagination – the more we begin to see the ‘actual’ world we want to create and NOT just the one of Princess Butterflies and Fairies riding Frog chariots!   Children are wonderful ‘story tellers’ as they have not yet learnt to shut down fanciful thoughts and be concerned about what others think of their outlandish dreams.

When we quieten our thoughts and be still, our inner author, Mr/Mrs Intuition, gleefully runs wild in the playground of our minds! Imagined dreams are the fruits of this playful expression and when cut open and carefully examined, they expose bountiful seeds of possibility. 

Once these seeds are planted and nurtured, they take root and grow. And it all started with listening to your Intuition and its creative imaginings.

When we let go of restraints of the shackles of time and money and of the opinions of others, and we TRUST our Intuition and our Imagination, we allow our potential to escape the chains of ‘should’,  and soar on the accomplishment of heartfelt dreams and desires.

Why not ignite your imagination with some aromatic inspiration? Here are my suggestions to add to your Diffuser or blend with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut oil and anoint yourself prior to ‘Operation Imagination’! 

  • do TERRA Ylang Ylang – to reconnect with your inner child and grant yourself the freedom to be playful and imagine endless possibilities
  • doTERRA Clary Sage – to open your creative channels, clear out limiting beliefs and shine a light on the vision you deserve to claim
  • doTERRA Litsea – to encourage you to follow through on the whispers of your intuition and see the infinite possibilities that lie ahead of you. Click here to find out more about these oils.
Because ultimately…you deserve MORE!  You deserve to live the life of your imaginings!
(Leave me a comment otherwise I MAY imagine I am the ONLY one reading this blog! Ha ha!)

I want to empower you to 'seek' that 'more'!
I want to empower you to "come to your senses'!
Connect with me an let's chase your dreams together!

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