Ever had a moment or two or three when that Green Eyed Monster invaded your thoughts and sent feelings of turmoil invading your mind, body and spirit?
There will be many reasons why this uninvited gate crasher shows up but let’s look at a few strategies to keep it from stepping over the threshold and into YOUR space!
Face it. Unmask it. Spin it. Send it on its way! (FUSS!)
Let’s look at those one by one.
Face It
We often turn our backs on our feelings, especially when they cause us pain or discomfort. Instead, face them head on! You can only do this when you build up your inner courage so ask yourself, why am I feeling disempowered by the thought of facing this? What can I do to rebuild my self confidence and my belief in me and all that I am?
Unmask It
Be brave and remove the mask on those feelings of jealousy. Ask yourself questions such as – do I know the full story or am I just assuming? Or, why am I feeling jealous? Journal your answers. Another question might be - is this really jealousy I am feeling or am I actually comparing myself to others instead of acknowledging their strengths are just different to my own? Or, am I feeling jealous because I struggle to ‘trust’? Keep peeling off the layers until you get to the root cause.
Spin It
Here is where you need to make a decision!
This is the time to reframe how you word a feeling and spin it into a much lesser emotion.
Eg You have revealed to yourself that your initial feelings of jealousy are due to the fact that you missed a promotion in favour of another workmate. Digging deep has shown you that you have labelled your feelings ‘jealousy’ when in fact, you are annoyed with yourself because you didn’t perform as well as you would have liked to in the interview! You realize you aren’t actually angry or jealous of your workmate; you are mad at yourself! Well, that’s an easier thing to fix because YOU have control of YOUR thoughts and feelings!
Now, with this new scenario, you simply Face it. Unmask it. Spin it. And Send it on its way as well!
The next step is to process this discovery and see what actions you can take to perform better next time.
Send it on its way!
When we take the lesson from each past experience and send it off with gratitude and love, we can then focus on creating a positive and preventative action plan and move peacefully into the future.
Let’s look at some doTERRA essential oils to support this process!
- Bergamot – helps to clear out those stale beliefs that are limiting your vision of yourself and helps you step out with confidence to shine your light to the world!
- Black Pepper – helps to unmask the labels and feelings and help you to see the true aspects of yourself that you are hiding
- Ginger – empowers you to let go of victim mentality and reclaim responsibility and be empowered to create the life you deserve.
Combine a couple of drops of all three and pop into your diffuser or create an aromatic warming, balm with the addition of doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and massage into joints to warm your heart and strengthen your sense of self and your ability to be, do and have whatever it is you desire!
A wonderful Kit to support a wide range of emotions is the doTERRA Emotional Aromatherapy Kit!
If you would like to understand how to harness the inspiration of essential oils – reach out to me as I would LOVE to empower YOU to pair doTERRA essential oils with your daily activities. AND I can help you access these oils at wholesale prices along with my special ‘welcome bonuses’!