
Conquer Your Confusion

We live in very interesting times. We are regularly exposed to ongoing conflict.  We are bombarded more than ever with information from every direction and it can be challenging to escape the ‘noise’ that can appear to permeate every aspect of our lives.

This minefield of noise and busy-ness can be difficult to traverse and can lead to overwhelm and confusion.

One simple antidote is to ‘turn it all off’.  

Here are some simple solutions to create an inner and outer sanctuary so you can detox from all that is weighing you down and preventing you from living the life YOU want.

  • Digitally detox – set boundaries and turn off media and technology for certain times of the day and allow space for your OWN thoughts and feelings to ‘speak’
  • Create a physical space that is your Haven – where you come to relax, to think, to dream
  • Regularly set aside time to get clear on who YOU are; what YOU want and WHY you want it; Dare to design the life YOU want.
  • Create daily rituals that harmonize with your values and your image of what you want to create eg every morning I wake and express your gratitude for at least 5 things before I get out of bed and every night I ask myself what was the best thing that happened and I give thanks for that too. (And there is always MORE than one!)
  • Every morning – DECIDE how YOU want to live your day and with that mindset – determine to block out the opinions of others and anything that can drag you off your path
  • Based on YOUR value system, be a guardian of your thoughts, words and deeds and know that you have the power to decide what you want to ‘feed’ your MIND as well as your body.
Clarity is the antidote to confusion and by following some of the above suggestions it is my hope that fog of overwhelm begins to lift and you can see clearly all of the opportunities that lie ahead that are in alignment with YOU!

Essential oils can be powerful support tools in these times so choose oils to help you release the cares and worries that may not be yours to own; use essential oils to help you relax and look inward to find the answers you are seeking; use oils to empower and energize you to move forward and live the live that YOU want to live.

Here is a blend and an affirmation to support you in the above process.

Bring in other sensory stimuli as well such as sound tools and visuals that lift your spirits or remind you of all that you want to bring into your life.

If you would like to understand how to harness the inspiration of essential oils – reach out to me as I would LOVE to empower YOU to pair doTERRA essential oils with your daily activities. AND I can help you access these oils at wholesale prices along with my special ‘welcome bonuses’!


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