Leonie Featherstone

 I used to joke that I wanted someone to pay me to ‘have coffee’ because I love chatting to people and helping them! Little did I know at the time that this is exactly what would happen…..

One typical Gold Coast summer’s day I came across a stand of dōTERRA Essential Oils at a shopping centre and the moment I smelt them I felt a ‘stirring’ within me. I recognized that these products were ‘special’ and I went home with all the information and researched and read and ‘thought’ about the possibilities.

I took some time to decide but then joined in January 2011 on the largest kit in the range because I wanted to try all the products.
Whilst I immediately saw the business potential I knew I couldn’t pursue this aspect as I was already working as a Trainer for another company in the Direct Sales Industry and it would have presented a ‘conflict of interest’.  Integrity is everything to me and this is one of the reasons that the dōTERRA business ‘fits’ me like a glove!  So I decided I would simply ‘enjoy’ the products until such time as I could ethically build a dōTERRA business.
The Universe however, must have had other ideas, as a few months later I was unexpectedly made redundant.  I obviously wasn’t tuned in to the dōTERRA Announcer on ‘Radio Universe’ at the time as I continued to work in a consulting capacity in the field of Training and Development while ‘playing’ with  dōTERRA.
Then one day I walked into one of my favourite coffee shops with my oils for a meeting and was greeted by the usual joke – ‘we can smell you coming’! After a very productive and enjoyable meeting, I left with a new team member to support and thoughts of commission jingling in my head and then…..it struck me!  
Here I was –opening these fragrant bottles and sharing enlightening information on ways to use ‘nature’s gifts’ with a relative stranger who then decided to open a wholesale account for which I was paid a commission.  I was being paid ‘to have coffee’!
  With this new revelation ringing loudly in my ears, I took a leap of faith in May 2012, left my consulting work and dived full time into dōTERRA. It was the best decision I had made in a long time and while having no ‘income’ coming into the family was decidedly scary – I was the happiest I had ever been.
It was during this time that the wife of the couple who introduced me to dōTERRA began to struggle with a rare form of cancer.  Although we started out as colleagues, it wasn’t long before Ross and Cath Rogers and I became friends – drawn together by our similar set of values and our common passion for sharing the health and harmony of our beautiful dōTERRA Essential oils.
Cath’s determination to continue practicing her passion for sharing the healing gifts of dōTERRA despite her crippling illness, coupled with her unswerving faith, was inspirational.
Cath’s determination to continue practicing her passion for sharing the healing gifts of dōTERRA despite her crippling illness, coupled with her unswerving faith, was inspirational.

When Cath lost her battle with Cancer in October 2012, I decided that I would walk the red carpet in October at the US dōTERRA convention as the Leader of a Diamond team. I wanted that for a few reasons. Financially, I needed to be at the level; on an business level I wanted to role model to my team that with an indelible ‘why’ and a consistent action plan you can achieve anything and on an emotional level – I wanted to honour Cath who no doubt would have walked that carpet herself with Ross had it not been for her illness.

Was it a high goal to set?  Yes!  Were there challenges along the way?  You bet there were!  However, despite that, I regularly visualized myself walking down the carpet to receive my recognition of achievement.  I had absolutely no doubts – my vision was crystal clear, my intention was pure, my antennae were up and operating and attracting the opportunities I needed, I held fast to my why and I did the daily actions……and yes, we achieved Diamond status and I walked down that carpet on behalf of my team.

And I didn’t do it on my own. Something that supported me enormously on my journey is my belief that we are never alone – there is a greater power there to support us – if we only ask!  

I have also received tremendous support along the way from my two beautiful children Roisin and Zach with whom I have a very strong bond despite often being hundreds of miles apart. I have seen them go through devastating personal and sporting challenges in their young lives and how they have handled these experiences and grown to be amazing independent, resilient and capable and loving young adults inspires me daily. 
Each of my supportive leaders also has their own story of challenge and adversity and it is a privilege to be their friend.  Seeing how they deal with their own challenges just makes me want to learn more and grow to greater heights so I can better support them in their efforts to reach their own mountain peak!

And then there is the collaborative support of our entire doTERRA community.  Whether it is Corporate, upline, downline, or crossline, we ARE ONE when it comes to encouraging, sharing resources and cheering each other on from the sidelines.  That is rare and that helped me enormously!
And last but not least ….. after 16 years of being on my own and single handling tackling business and personal challenges, a wonderful man came into my life.  
Stewart, or Farmer Green  as I call him, is the other half of my heart and my ‘rock’!  
Farmer Green had a cattle and grain property in Central Queensland and therefore has a sound understanding of the ‘sowing and reaping’ principles and all the challenges that go with that so he is very good at ‘grounding’ me! 
He has endured much in his personal life and life on the land is a constant challenge – one requiring persistence and strength of character.  In an industry where too much or too little rain at the wrong time has destroyed many a land owners dreams, he quietly plans and works tirelessly and then adjusts according to whatever nature and other elements throw at him and continues on his chosen course because he has a ‘dream’ of what he wants to achieve..  He is constantly encouraging me to stick to my course and reminding me that sometimes crops don’t turn out the way you want but you need to keep ‘planting’ and hope for a better outcome next time! 
This whole new phase of my life is helping me fulfil my another of my passions and that is to share our beautiful dōTERRA oils not only on the Gold Coast where I used to live and other more populated areas of Australia but to the inner regions of the ‘bush’ or the ‘outback’ in which I was born and spent the first 18 years of my life.  Within a radius of 2 hours from Stewart’s old property were tiny towns that welcomed me with open arms to teach them the healing powers of our oils! 
I now split my time between our new Farm in the Pioneer Valley outside of Mackay and travelling around the country sharing Essential Oil information, teaching Personal and Business development and supporting my team.  
Yes, life is good and without a doubt, the key to my business success is my crystal clear vision of where I am heading with this business and a very deep ‘emotional reason’ for what I want to achieve.  This deep rooted ‘why’ and my desire to 'serve', coupled with my firm belief in the products, my trust in the incredibly ethical people behind the company and my faith in my own abilities and those of my team has got us this far and will keep us growing.  Part of this process is continual ‘learning’ and taking consistent action along the way and helping others to achieve their goals and dreams. 
Each day I practically ‘leap’ out of bed knowing that everything I do is in harmony with my values and that exciting possibilities lie ahead of me just ‘waiting’ for me to uncover them!
Almost ten years on - our dōTERRA family numbers are thriving, many, many lives have been indelibly touched with the life changing effects of our essential oils and my income stream is flowing and growing! 
They say every good story should have a beginning and an end but my story is just beginning….
I would LOVE to help you re-write YOUR story!